With the Q-DRIVER concept QUBIG offers dedicated RF systems which match and enhance the features of all free-space resonant modulators. Digital frequency synthesis allows precise frequency and phase control. An integrated resonance lock (Q-Lock) working up to 19GHz automatically finds and subsequently tracks the fre- quency of the modulators which ensures an operation at optimal efficiency. Together with the automatic frequency drift compen- sation (F-Lock) QUBIG’s RF drivers have become a plug & play sys- tem where only two input parameters need to be adjusted: the de- sired frequency and modulation depth.
Traveling Wave
QUBIG’s Q-Drivers are also suited for traveling wave modulators. Dedicated digital synthesiser modules with signal bandwidths from 20MHz up to 8 or 19GHz are conform with the bandwidth performance of the EOMs. Depending on the application, broad- band RF amplifiers with an output power up to 10W within a frequency range of several GHz must be properly chosen for the respective application.
Q-Drivers (QD)
Q-Drivers are based on a sophisticated modular concept that al- lows flexible and easy adaptation to a wide variety of applications by simply plugging in functional modules in a slot card interface. The basis driver module contains besides a digital frequency syn- thesiser all necessary components (power supply, RF amplifier, user interface, various interlock functions etc.) for a standalone opera- tion. For convenient system integration, besides the hardware QUBIG also allows to control/communicate with the driver remote- ly by PC via a Python interface.
The Q-DRIVERs are conceptualised for QUBIG’s free-space light modulators with 50Ohms impedance. Due to their compact design and flexible upgradeability, new applications have emerged over time:

Free-space Electro-Optic Modulators
For all applications that rely on freespace elec trooptic modulators, such as laser cooling, spectral broaden ing or laser frequency stabilisa tion, QUBIG provides matching RF drivers with tailored per formance features like QLock, Temperature controller, suitable RF power amplifier and conven ient Python interface for remote control.
Acousto-Optic Modulators
Drivers of the QDRSeries can be optimised for resonant or broad band AcoustoOptic modulators (AOM) as well which are com monly used in various applica tions like acoustooptic tunable filters (AOTF), acoustooptic deflectors or frequency modulators.
Acousto-Optic Modulators
Fiberbased Modulators are characterised by very low half wave voltages and large band widths. QUBIG’s QDGSeries comes in two basic configura tions that cover a frequency range up to 8 or 19GHz. In combination with amplitude and frequency modulation features many interesting appli cations in metrology, communi cations or quantum science become accessible.